Themes for Cheat

Cheat is written by Allan Baillie. There are two main themes for the story. First of all, we must be judgemental. We might not jump into conclusion too soon and it caused misunderstanding. For example, Lynne is one of the characters who is judgemental. After she read about the book writeen by William Bradburie in... Continue Reading →

Cheat! Moral Values

We should have the spirit of competitiveness in order to further our good character traits. We should be honest in whatever we do Creativity is a positive attitude and can increase our self-confidence and skills. We should learn to let go and talk out our anger whether it is with friends or enemies. We should... Continue Reading →

Cheat! Themes

competitiveness honesty creativity and self-confidence keeping anger in oneself presumptuous and taking situations for granted keeping faith with friends


Synopsis: - Cheat! About two schoolchildren and their attitude to peer achievements and relationships. The short story competition is won by Geoff and he wins the Holmes-Watkins Medal. Lynne's story is placed second and she feels disappointed. She learns to accept her failure and decides to let go. Then, she comes across a short story... Continue Reading →

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